Stand with agriculture. Support immigration reform.












Agriculture Workforce Coalition

Who We Are

The Agriculture Workforce Coalition (AWC) brings together organizations representing the diverse needs of agricultural employers across the country. AWC serves as the unified voice of agriculture in the effort to ensure that America’s farmers, ranchers and growers have access to a stable and secure workforce now and in the future.

Mary Kraft

CFO and Human Resource Manager / Badger Creek Farm and Quail Ridge Dairy, Fort Morgan, Colorado

Restricting immigrant entry and work authorizations has worked! On dairies across the US, we are now short of staff who provide animal care and harvest dairy products. Our cows and your US-grown dairy products need immigration reform!

Chalmers Carr

President & CEO / Titan Farms, South Carolina

By all accounts, the nation’s immigration policy is and has been broken for decades. And yet year after year legislative sessions come and go and we pass the buck doing nothing to solve the problem. The agriculture industry is facing unprecedented labor shortages causing crops to be left in the fields unharvested and we are seeing sharp declines in fruit & vegetable acreage in production. This is leading to higher food prices and is causing our nation to become more dependent on imported agriculture products to feed our families. In short, we are diminishing the safety and security of our nation’s FOOD SUPPLY each day that we fail to pass immigration reform. We need our elected officials to be the statesmen they were elected to be, engage in debate, seek resolutions and pass immigration reform this year.